Weather is hot, Blogging is Slow.

Weather is hot, Blogging is Slow.

Weather is hot, Blogging is slow

I am not a hot weather gal. One of the things I loved about living in Telluride all those years ago, is that it was almost never hot (not at 9000 feet, it wasn’t). However, it’s hot here in Montana. High 90s by midafternoon, and since the sun doesn’t set until almost 9:30 — it stays hot. Now, I realize this isn’t someplace really brutal like, say, New York City (where I sweltered away two summers of my 20s, too poor to afford a summer share, just sweating in my tenement), but nonetheless, the thermometer goes up and my brain shuts down. I’m off to Bozeman today in search of a portable swamp cooler … should I succeed, I’ll try to give you all a summary of my recent reading — I’ve read a bunch of good stuff lately, and have been meaning to blog about it.

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