Snow Day

Snow Day

Sunday was a lovely snowy day. Big fat snowflakes like something out of a movie. About ten, Raymond and I walked to the dog park, and everyone was there which was fun — we walked a couple of  laps, all the dogs doing their thing and the “grownups” had a chance to catch up. On the way home, we ran into Anna and Max who were going for a walk with Silas, who is almost three. They had the sled in case Silas needed a lift on the way home. Everyone had that silly smile you get when it’s snowing in a showy sort of way, but it isn’t too cold, and the wind isn’t blowing.

I know winter is getting long, and the grey skies are wearing on people. I’m as anxious as anyone to get out and start gardening, so the snow is putting a crimp in my plans too.

But it’s so pretty, and it’s nice to have an excuse to stay inside and read a book, and work on my novel. To have an excuse to cook something all afternoon that makes the house smell nice, and watch movies on TV, and just rest up in preparation for another big week.

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