So Much For Summer

So Much For Summer

It’s 63 degrees outside at 3pm today. Nina tells me from her house down valley that it’s snowing on the peaks. And my tomatoes and zucchini have taken on their late-summer clothing — swaths and swaths of clear plastic sheeting. I’ll probably be able to get a few tomatoes to ripen — last year they all ripened in my basement while I was in France. It may freeze tonight, so this afternoon, I was the Basil Fairy — running around town delivering big ziploc baggies of basil to various friends.

It happens every year about the first of August — we wake up one morning and the smell of fall is in the air.

4 thoughts on “So Much For Summer

  1. So much for all my moving-to-Montana fantasies! I love to garden so don’t think I could handle such a short growing season. What do you do in the winter when you are snowed in?

  2. I was actually drooling over this entry as we endured the end of one of many super heat-waves that have caused our garden to achieve Chernobyl-like proportions. . . now the weather has broken though and the thought of crisp fall-like days is making me a little sad-nostalgic for summer already. This, after last weekend when it was So Ridiculously Hot we couldn’t think about doing anything at all.

    Isn’t it amazing how tomatoes can ripen on their own, though? I remember this from my Vermont childhood.

  3. The first summer I was here my friend remarked on how she saw the trees start to change in August. How around about the time of the second cut of hay that people got an extra hitch in their step, hurrying to get ready for another winter.

    I thought she was nuts, but now I see it, too.

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