The First Morels …

The First Morels …

first morelsI keep hearing the headline in my head to the tune of “The First Noel” — but here they are, the first morels of the season. It got hot here this weekend — into the eighties — and after our long cold wet spring, I just knew there must be mushrooms out there. These “yellow” ones show up in woodsy copses along the river, then later, the black ones emerge in the mountains. I didn’t find very many yesterday — this is maybe a pound or a pound and a half — but I only hit one spot. Ray and I had a lovely little morning looking for mushrooms — I poked around, doing the mushroom-hunt-Very-Slow-Hike while Ray hunted bunnies and doves. He’s gotten to be such a good boy — he’d disappear for a few minutes, then come circling back when I called. All in all a nice morning, and a little dinner of reheated chicken and rice with a morel cream sauce (cream from my lovely gallon of local milk) was quite delicious.

2 thoughts on “The First Morels …

  1. Hi Charlotte,
    I don’t know if you remember me, my father owns Snicarte Island. Anyway, we had a rather large “crop” of Morels this year. Do you have any ideas on how to preserve them? We’ve been giving them away, since there have been too many to use.
    I also wanted to tell you, I love your blog.

  2. Hi Diana! Of course I remember you — the easiest thing to do with morels is dry them. I cut them in half lengthwise and lay them out on baking racks — it’s so dry out here that they’re good to go after a day or so — might take longer in the soggy midwest. Then you can just put them in ziplocs or in mason jars and they’re good to go —

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