Weird but good. But mostly Weird.
Weird but good. But mostly weird.
I had a lot of leftover chicken from The Week of Roasted Chickens, and it was all breast meat, which can be tricky to work with as leftovers because it gets dry and stringy and horrible. So last night, while gazing aimlessly into the fridge trying to decide what to do with said chicken, I noticed that little tub of Thai Green Curry Paste that I don’t think I’ve ever cooked with. I’ve used the red curry paste several times, but not the green. It was cold and rainy here and Thai curry sounded good. So, I sauteed some shallots, skimmed the solid stuff off the top of the coconut milk and fried the green curry paste until everything started to separate. So far, so good. I added a big squirt of fish sauce, and some dark brown sugar, and the coconut milk, then dumped in the leftover chicken to simmer. It needed vegetables though — I had some frozen peas, and some baby carrots, which I threw in, then I chopped up a bunch of scallions and searched the fridge fruitlessly for cilantro. I had no cilantro. I had some mint, so I chopped a little of that up. I stirred it all into the curry, and served it on a little rice.
The weird part was that it looked like the inside of a chicken pot pie. But it tasted like Thai curry. It wasn’t bad, but the vegetables were wrong, and it wasn’t really green but a sort of sickly green-ish color. There’s a lot left too. I hate to throw leftovers away, but this one may not make it to another meal.