Seventh Inning Stretch?!

Seventh Inning Stretch?!

What happened to “Take Me Out To The Ballgame”?! When did we get “America The Beautiful” instead? I realize I’m only a post-season fan, and I realize that we’re “at war” but what the hey? Who wants to stand up and stretch to the pious strains of “America The Beautiful”? If you’re going to switch songs how about something with at least a little oomph to it like “This Land Is Your Land”?


And LivingSmall is officially endorsing:
the Red Sox (when the Cubs are out, all Cubs fans default to the Red Sox)
John Kerry/John Edwards
Brian Schweitzer
Tracy Velasquez
Sam Francis
Dick Murphy
Brant Robey
Bob Ebinger

Go out and Vote. Drive your neighbors to the polls.

11 thoughts on “Seventh Inning Stretch?!

  1. Hey!

    Welcome back! (if a new reader may be allowed to say so.)

    I just discovered your journal yesterday, while checking out links from PNH at Electrolite, and after looking at the most recent week or three of posts,(as you do with a new-found blog) I found myself going from here to your book website to the end of your old journal to the beginning of the Typepad archives and on through the events of this past year, caught up by the quality of your writing and of the lucidity and insight even in the heart of the maelstrom that are evident throughout. Anyway, yesterday I was drawn in by the food-and-garden-journal-thing (I’m a fan of Katherine S. White’s essays and letters too) and by your determination to allow the work of grief and healing to proceed organically,taking as much time as it takes–which rang true to my own experience after losing my parents (7 years apart) as a young woman — and I was looking forward to seeing what new entries might be in store for us upon your return from The Trip, and when you might be Back — and here you are already:-)

    Here’s hoping you had a marvelous time abroad, relaxing, fruitful and not too intense!


    in NYC

  2. Woo, welcome back!!! And YEE HAW for those Bosox! I was in grad school there a lonnnng time ago one of the years when they won the pennant during the past century and can only begin to imagine the bedlam that’s afoot back there tonight. Hope you are feeling refreshed and revigorated after your time far afield. I’ve thought of you with almost every single tomato harvested from my little “farm” this year. Welcome home 🙂

  3. Glad you’re back! I hope your time was productive and full of wonderfully gratifying experiences. My chard has been suggesting it’s time for feeling a strong sense of renewal–it all fell over from heat in our brief Indian summer after more than a week of frosts, and has begun to stick up defiant leaves again. That’s some resolute chard; reminds me of you.

    Also, I’d like to suggest Barack Obama and Tony Knowles for your list–both running against candidates who’ve not so much sought their candidacy but been given their places on the state tickets. Plus if Boston wins, that clears the cursed way for the Cubs’ overcoming their own billy goat of perennial disappointment.

  4. Of course, Obama! But since I’m not actually an Illinois voter any more, I was sort of sticking to my local folks. And I’m more relieved than you can know to hear that they still play Take Me Out … I was worried. As for France — it was swell. I’m working hard on the new book so blogging will still be sporadic at best, and I did my part to get out the vote today by getting an absentee ballot for my friend Nina, who is about to have twins, and has been put on bedrest. Get out the Vote! Vote for Kerry! Help is on the way!

  5. Not that my vote will help much, since I live in an officially BLUE state, but I’m agoin’ to pull the Democratic lever as early as possible on Tuesday and have been preaching to the choir around me to do the same.

    Glad to hear from you; get us some posts soon about your trip if you can. . .

    And. . . go Red Sox! I lived in Boston before ever living in NY and getting regularly stuck in Yankees traffic. And in that time relived the pain of the RS fans. If the Sox can win, so can Kerry, I firmly believe!!

  6. Welcome back; hope the break lifted your spirits. Ditto on the 7th inning stretch. Go Kerry!

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