Call to Arms
From Chris over at Get Your War On. Now is not the time to give up. There is real work to do, and we’re the only ones who can do it.
Wrote a letter to the editor of the local paper today. I’ve never done that before, since the letters page starts to look like a tar baby from which none of us are safe, but I’ve decided it’s time to get in the game, and not just in the echo-chamber that is this blog. I tried to keep it simple, tried to point out that what this man was advocating is an assault on the First Amendment. There was a lot of other crap going on in his screed of course, including the usual rant about the Liberal Media, but my goal in this new campaign is to keep it simple. To name bigotry for what it is. No more acquiescing on “moral” issues. Bigotry is not a moral value.
Get in the game. Do something, even if it seems like a tiny little effort. If nothing else, it will make you feel less helpless, less hopeless, and what we need now is an opposition that does not give in to hopelessness.
One thought on “Call to Arms”
You know it’s not just an echo chamber! (Although even if it were, I think talking to oneself is healthy.)
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