RIP Corretta Scott King
Does anyone think it’s a coincidence that on the day that we’re about to swear in Samuel Alito, the man responsible for this statement: ”Why do you keep bringing up the fact that this case involves the strip search of a 10-year-old child?”(and a black girl child at that), that Coretta Scott King would choose to leave the planet? Does no one else see this as a Very Bad Sign?
2 thoughts on “RIP Corretta Scott King”
Hi Charlotte!
This is a voice from the past…Melissa Clark, from Davis…I stumbled upon your blog in the craziest of ways. Your entry on Frey is so accurate. I really, really liked it, and sent your link to a bunch of friends to read it, too. Coincidentally, I have my first novel coming out in Sept. (from Random House) and wanted to know if I could send your article to my editor. I know she will love it, too. I hope you are doing well. Congrats on your book, too! Are you in touch with anyone from Davis?? –Melissa
I had much the same thought, Charlotte. It did occur to me that she chose not to bear this.
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